Protecting the Red Sea and pioneering sustainable diving and tourism is an integral part of our everyday lives here at Camel Dive Club & Hotel. Our planets seas are under constant threat and your diving holiday should not be at the expense of the environment.
We believe leading by example with sustainable, eco friendly practices and education we enable our precious coral reef system to thrive and continue to provide the best diving for generations to come.
Here is how we make your trip more sustainable as well as unforgettable.
Environmental Policy in Our Operations
We are always looking for ways to create a more eco friendly and sustainable experience here at the dive resort.
- Installing double glazed windows in the Camel Hotel rooms maintains an even temperature within in the room. This has dramatically increased the energy efficiency of the air-conditioning units and reduces your overall energy consumption throughout your stay.
- Reducing our plastic waste in the rooms by replacing disposable toiletries with dispensers that are refilled regularly.
- Introducing an innovative solar heating system for our swimming pool. During winter, this enables us to keep the pool at a comfortable temperature for diver training, without consuming large amounts of electricity.
- Energy & water conscious housekeeping. Not replacing linens and towels everyday in the rooms by asking our guests to leave towels on the floor and to request linen changes, have reduced the unnecessary waste of energy and water constant replacements required in the past.
- Our custom built dive boat the ‘Camel Tribe’ has solar panels that power all of the onboard electronics, on the very few cloudy days that we have here in the Sinai one of the engines alternators is used as a backup.
- The Camel Tribe also has an energy-efficient fresh air inlet system designed to keep the lower salon cool and an onboard septic tank means that effluents are not pumped directly into the sea whilst on a mooring.
- A five minute walk to and from the marina everyday means we there is no need for transport saving on polluting emissions produced by buses.
- Installing waste bins at Naama Bay jetty to prevent rubbish from ending up in the water.
- Introducing re-usable caps for our tanks, to replace ‘tank tape’ (‘cap on’ indicates a full tank, ‘cap off’ an empty tank).
Introducing re-usable water bottle system. Guests on board are provided with one bottle of water and a water bottle cover with a number (made from up cycled wetsuits). Guests are then encouraged to drink as much as possible to stay hydrated in the beautiful sunshine of Sharm el Sheikh and once their bottle is empty, to refill it from the chilled water cooler on the dive deck.
We said NO to single use plastics in 2018.
Reviewing our everyday practices throughout the hotel, Camel Bars, Pomodoro Restaurant and Vanilla Cafe and sourcing sustainable alternatives for all of our single use plastics is something that we are very proud to say we have achieved. Our straws, hotel toiletries, bags, breakfast take away packaging and ice-cream spoons are now either reusable or made from biodegradable materials like steel, paper and wood. Now you can enjoy our services knowing that you are part of the solution and not part of the problem when it comes to plastic waste!